

Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 58674

  • Added: August 21, 2024

  • Location: Australia

  • State: New South Wales

  • City: Sydney

  • Company Name: 1cyber

  • Keywords: tech support, security advisor, cloud provider, technology partner, web designer, managed services, software development, web hosting, migration services

  • Technologies: Cloudflare DNS, Outlook, Microsoft Office 365, CloudFlare Hosting, Mobile Friendly, , Reviews, AI, Jumpcloud

  • Year: 2019

  • Address: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

  • Website URL: http://www.1cyber.com.au

  • LinkedIn URL:

  • Facebook URL:

  • Twitter URL:

  • Views: 52

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Cloud | Tech | Security

Company Overview
We are a young and dynamic company specializing in various IT Solutions and Services. Our team has a long held belief that all small and medium businesses should receive the same quality and professional service that traditionally only large enterprise business have enjoyed. 1Cyber was founded to address this simple objective, delivering enterprise grade stability and unrivalled service, coupled with a balanced approach on the return on investment for Information Technology & Telecommunication (IT&T) expenditure within our customers, the small to medium businesses of New South Wales and South Australia. Our directors have decades of working experiences in Multi-National Companies from Microsoft, Compaq, Hewlett Packard and Dimension Data. Technically we are very competent to providing IT solutions and services. Stepping out of employment to venture into our own businesses, we have become very driven to deliver upon our knowledge, skills and experiences. How can we achieve this? Simple, we only employ people who are passionate about delivering you an unparalleled support service. With over four decades of enterprise and midmarket, consulting, design, implementation and support experience, backed with support from market leading vendors, we are confident in our ability to assist your business navigate through all your IT business challenges. To this end, we are committed to ease your workload by providing various IT needs and enhancement solutions in an innovative way to aid in your business administration. You can entrust your IT functions to us while you focus on your core businesses.


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