Ad Details
Ad ID:
August 22, 2024
City of Zagreb
Company Name:
Rackspace MailGun, Gmail, Outlook, Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365, Google Tag Manager, Mobile Friendly, reCAPTCHA, Google Analytics, Apache, Remote, Micro, Laravel
2 Ulica Ivana Perkovca, Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia, 10000
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IT solutions and custom software development
Company Overview
We help organize & transform business with IT services and Custom software development to create a stable digital working environment. Our client base includes over 200 companies worldwide, so far, we carried out more than 300 projects and resolved 45.000 requests.
IDE3 stands for:
(I) Managed IT services implementation, IT support, security, cloud services
(D) Custom software development
(E) IT Education and consulting services
(3) our lucky number
Since 2008 we have established connections and became a trusted partner to all the leading technology brands (Microsoft, Google, Cisco, Fortinet, 3CX, Mikrotik, ESET, Adobe, Ubiquiti, HP, Lenovo, Dell).
Our team consists of IT professionals with years of experience whose knowledge covers a wide range of business users' needs. Fast and efficient response to client requests as well as exceptional sensitivity to their needs are their main advantages. We pay special attention to continuous improvement, considering it to be one of the key resources for business success
Our values:
Customer Care - The overall work and operation of the company is based on meeting clients needs. The priority of each employee is to understand them and to find the best solutions.
Expertise - A large number of the most prestigious certifications, experience, and day-to-day training of our employees allows us to solve problems quickly while minimizing clients costs.
Reliability and Responsibility - We pay close attention to compliance with agreements and predefined execution time. Every job done is tested in detail to make sure it is well done.
Friendly Approach - We guarantee a friendly and "stress free" approach and we are offering the best and most cost-effective solutions for each client.
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