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IT Solved.

Company Overview
The Boston Tech Company, established in 1993, stands as a testament to enduring quality and adaptability in the ever-evolving tech landscape. With a track record that spans three decades, our Managed Service Provider services have catered to the unique IT needs of hundreds of clients across the globe, ranging from budding startups to Fortune 500 enterprises. Solve Your IT Needs with Our Top 10 MSP Services: Managed Infrastructure Services: Comprehensive oversight of servers, storage, and networking hardware. Mobile Device Management: Secure mobile devices in BYOD environments. Advanced Cybersecurity: Safeguard sensitive data with NIST-compliant solutions emphasizing intrusion detection and firewall management. Strategic IT Consulting: Foster synergy between technology and productivity. We help ensure alignment with contemporary tech trends and service objectives. Cloud Expertise: Leverage our expertise with the cloud to ensure data security, compliance, and high availability. Data Integrity & Recovery: ISO 9001 & 27001 compliant data integrity with resilient backup solutions, emphasizing swift recovery and business continuity. ISO Certified Regulatory Compliance & Auditing: Quickly navigate the intricate maze of regulations and stay ahead of compliance requirements. 24/7/365 End-User Support: 24/7/365 US-based technical assistance - both remote and on-site depending on your needs. Optimized Network Management: Top-tier network solutions that prioritize efficient, secure, and seamless networking. Unified Communication Tools: VOIP and video-based communication tools to maximize productivity.


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