

Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 62124

  • Added: August 22, 2024

  • Location: Ukraine

  • State: Kyiv city

  • City: Kyiv

  • Company Name: Implex

  • Keywords: product design, ux, ui, custom software development, javascript, c, swift, kotlin, flutter, nodejs, angular, react, golang, aws, azure

  • Technologies: Gmail, Google Apps, Varnish, Google Tag Manager, YouTube, Mobile Friendly, Android, IoT, React Native, , Lattice, Basis, , Python, Remote, Flutter, , Reviews, AI, Airtable, Discord

  • Year: 2020

  • Address: Kyiv, Kyiv city, Ukraine

  • Website URL:

  • LinkedIn URL:

  • Views: 26

Classiera WordPress theme


Software product development outsourcing

Company Overview
Implex is a custom web and mobile development agency with a team of top engineers, managers, and domain experts. We help US and European companies get from the initial product concept to a working service, guiding them through the entire process. We solve a specific client's problem by assembling the optimal team with the necessary skills and the minimum required percentage of involvement.  Examples of our client: (International). A Wikipedia of visual arts with 250,000 artworks by 5,000 artists, localized to 7 languages, that has 1.5M visitors per month. The company has successfully secured a patent for the innovative algorithm Implex team has implemented in their current product, (US). A virtual admissions coach that offers step-by-step guides through the admissions process of the best US schools. (UA). A digital marketing platform that substitutes physical discount cards. It operates online and through iOS and Android mobile apps. The platform is used by up to 100K users, a nation-wide supermarket network and many smaller outlets. We strive to build relationships with our clients that last for years. This makes trust, reliability and respect the principle values of our culture. Our clients recognize us as a one-stop software development company that allows focusing on business development without having to worry about the tech side. OUR SERVICES: Application engineering: web and mobile applications development Managed team: a dedicated team of experts to manage your project Top-tier expert engagement: dynamic problem solving consultancy by experienced practitioners Project management consulting: a comprehensive approach to improving project management and delivery OUR TECHNOLOGICAL EXPERTISE Programming languages: Rust, Clojure, Golang, JavaScript / TypeScript, C# Front end: React, Angular Mobile: Swift, Kotlin, React Native Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


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