

Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 63562

  • Added: August 22, 2024

  • Location: United States

  • State: Delaware

  • City: Dover

  • Company Name: Netfork

  • Technologies: Gmail, Google Apps, CloudFlare Hosting, Amazon AWS, Mobile Friendly, Google Font API, reCAPTCHA, Hubspot,, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Hotjar, React Native, , Android, Render, Python, Remote, Laravel, Basis, Flutter, Docker, AI, Circle, Xamarin, , Magento

  • Address: 8 The Grn, Dover, Delaware, United States, 19901

  • Website URL:

  • LinkedIn URL:

  • Views: 28

Classiera WordPress theme


A community of top software development companies

Company Overview
Netfork is a community of top software development companies that provide software development expertise within web, mobile, AI/ML, AR/VR, and blockchain technologies. The total number of developers in the community is over 1000 (plus one octopus named Kroften). Each of the companies possesses expertise in several tech stacks, allowing the community to cover all industry-standard tech stacks within the mentioned development niches.   Their services consist of either providing their developers for quick scale-ups of existing development teams or by forming fully cross-functional remote teams that can handle any sort of development or maintenance process. Feel free to reach out to them, they like to talk to new folks!     Behind the Netfork initiative are experienced and enthusiastic co-founders and partners with over 10 years of market experience. With hands-on technical knowledge and project management savvy, we set out with the ambition to transform traditional outsourcing models. Also, they are really attached to the Kroften fella (look at their logo!)


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