

Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 66124

  • Added: August 22, 2024

  • Location: United States

  • State: Texas

  • City: Plano

  • Company Name: Uvation

  • Keywords: collaboration, workforce productivity, enterprise software, cloud computing, technology infrastructure, applications, product development, outsourcing, interactive services, cybersecurity, edge computing, managed service provider, private, public, hybrid clouds, disaster recovery, incident response, datacenter, soc as a service, it hardware

  • Technologies: Cloudflare DNS, Mailchimp Mandrill, Outlook, Microsoft Office 365, CloudFlare Hosting, Active Campaign, Drift, React Redux, Magento 2 Community, StatusPage IO, Salesforce, reCAPTCHA, Breezy HR (formerly NimbleHR), Google Dynamic Remarketing, Yotpo, Mixpanel, Bootstrap Framework, WordPress.org, Google Analytics, Shutterstock, Klaviyo, Mobile Friendly, DoubleClick Conversion, Segment.io, LiveChat, Google Tag Manager, FullStory, Facebook Login (Connect), DoubleClick, Remote

  • Year: 2010

  • Address: 7700 Windrose Ave, Plano, Texas, United States, 75024-0173

  • Website URL: http://www.uvation.com

  • LinkedIn URL:

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  • Views: 25

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Information Technology, Aerospace &Defense Company

Company Overview
Uvation provides critical technology services to groundbreaking private and public organizations. All our services are backed by our deep technology expertise, our robust partnerships with industry leaders, and a network of more than 220+ datacenters in more than 20 countries. When we set out to establish a new technology company, the world was already overpopulated with IT consultancies, each offering the same types of services. We saw an opportunity to take the role of ‘consultant’ a step further, serving as a comprehensive and strategic partner to clients. As such, Uvation is a new breed of technology consulting company. We don’t just provide clients with advice about software and hardware. Our vision is to be a global, end-to-end Information Technology, Aerospace, and Defense consulting company providing services, innovative products, and pioneering technologies to organizations operating in the most groundbreaking industries. We don’t just want to create a prosperous company. We want to create a better world.


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